Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Diwali-2012

Story of Diwali

Story of Diwali
India, the land of rich cultural heritage, has one or the other festival for every month. It is the spiritual and religious richness in India that each festival is related to some or other deity. One of such festival is the 'festival of lights' - Deepawali. It is the glorious occasion that is not restricted to one day, but extended to a five-day celebration. All through these five days, people are in a festive mood. Adding to the festivity is the colorful display of lights. Like every other Hindu festival, stories from Mythology are associated with Diwali too. Given below is information on the celebrations of Diwali.

Stories & Legends of Deepavali

Return of Shri Ram To Ayodhyaa 
The most famous legend behind the celebrations of Diwali is about the prince of Ayodhya Nagri - Lord Shri Ram. The king of Lanka, Ravana, kidnapped Ram's wife - Sita from the jungle, where they were staying as per the instructions of King Dashratha, father of Lord Ram. In order to freed Sita from Ravana's custody, Ram attacked him. This was followed by a war, in which, Ram defeated Ravan and released Sita from his custody. On the arrival of Lord Ram along with his wife Sita, people of Ayodhya decorated their homes as well as the city of Ayodhyaa by lighting tiny diyas all over, in order to welcome their beloved prince Shri Ram and Devi Sita.

Incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi 
On the auspicious new moon day, which is 'Amavasyaa' of the Hindi month of Kartik, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity - Lakshmi was incarnated. She appeared during the churning of the ocean, which is known as 'Samudra Manthan', by the demons on one side and 'Devataas' (Gods) on the other side. Therefore, the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the Lakshmi Pujan, on the day of Diwali, became a tradition.

Lord Krishna Destroyed Demon Narakasur 
One famous story behind the celebrations of Diwali is about the demon king Narakasur, who was ruler of Pragjyotishpur, a province to the South of Nepal. After acquiring victory over Lord Indra during a war, Narakasur snatched away the magnificent earrings of Mother Goddess Aditi, who was not only the ruler of Suraloka, but also a relative of Lord Krishna's wife - Satyabhama. Narakasur also imprisoned sixteen thousand daughters of Gods and saints in his harem. With the support of Lord Krishna, Satyabhama defeated Narakasur, released all the women from his harem and restored the magnificent earrings of Mother Goddess Aditi.

The Return of The Pandavas 
The great Hindu epic 'Mahabharata' has another interesting story related to the 'Kartik Amavasyaa'. According to the story, 'the Pandavas', the five brothers Yudhishthhira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahdeva, were sentenced to thirteen years exile as a result of their defeat against 'the Kauravas' - Duryodhana and his ninety nine brothers, at the game of dice. Therefore, the Pandavas spent thirteen years in the jungles and returned to their kingdom on the day of 'Kartik Amavasyaa'. On their return, the people of their kingdom welcomed the Pandavas by celebrating the event by lighting the earthen lamps all over in their city.

Coronation of King Vikramaditya 
Another legend or story about Diwali celebrations relates to one of the greatest Hindu King - Vikramaditya. It was the day when he was coroneted and the people celebrated this event by lighting tiny earthen 'diyas'.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Seven Secrets of your BEAUTY

                                                 आपकी ख़ूबसूरती के 7 खूबसूरत रहस्य 

लैब होते हैं वो लाजवाब, जो प्यार की खुशबू फैलाएं 
नैन कारे-कजरारे ऐसे, जो जग से कालिख चुराएं 
बाल वो रेशमी चमकीले, जो तिमिर को दूर भगाएं 
गुलाबी रंगत उनकी जो गाल, प्रकृति को रंगीन बनाएं 
चुस्तदुरुस्त बदन उनका, जो भुखमरी को जहां से हटाएं 
चाल मस्त नशीली उनकी, जो बेसहारों को सहलाएं 
वो भोहें होती हैं कमानीदार, जो कभी तेवर न चढ़ाएं 
उनकी ठुड्डी होती वो रसभरी, जो मीठा रस बरसाएं 
काया स्वस्थ पाते वो, जो रक्तदान करें और करवाएं।

उक्त कविता किसी भी व्यक्ति की अंदरूनी खूबसूरती को खुल कर निखारती  है। आजकल सुन्दरता के उत्पाद भी बाज़ार में 'अंदरूनी खूबसूरती' जैसे शब्दों में लपेटकर पेश किये जाने लगे है। पर, इसका अर्थ यह नहीं कि बाहरी सुन्दरता की तरफ ध्यान ही न दिया जाये। इस बाहरी सुन्दरता के लिए तरह-तरह के उत्पाद बाज़ार में उपलब्ध हैं लेकिन अन्दर व बाहर दोनों तरफ की खूबसूरती के कुछ और भी रहस्य हैं। आइये जानें:
1. नींद- हर चौबीस घंटों में आठ घंटे की नींद का बंदोबस्त अवश्य करें। इससे शरीर की थकान, जो चेहरे पर साफ़ झलकती है, दूर होगी तथा अन्दर से कटी-फटी कोशिकाओं का भी नवनिर्माण होगा। आप अपनेआप को तरोताजा पायेंगें।ऐसा अहसास आपको जवां बनाये रखेगा।
2. विश्राम- शांत मन व दिमाग के लिए, शरीर की ऐंठन खोलने के लिए, तनाव कम करने के लिए तथा खुलकर सांस लेने के लिए विश्राम अति आवश्यक  है। योग, ध्यान आदि की मुद्राएँ आपको अन्दर व बाहर दोनों तरफ से विश्राम देंगीं।
3. जलाहार- शुद्ध जल न केवल हमारी प्यास बुझाता है बल्कि हमारे शरीर के अन्दर बन रहे विषैले द्रव्यों को  पतला करके मूत्र के रूप में बाहर निकाल देता है। इसीलिए एक दिन में 8-10 गिलास पानी अवश्य पियें। अगर गर्मी या धुप में निकलना पड़े तो यह मात्रा बढ़ा दें ताकि शरीर में पर्याप्त नमी बनी रहे।
4. ठोस आहार- कम मात्रा में खाएं लेकिन संतुलित भोजन शरीर की सभी आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करता है। प्रोटीन, विटामिन, कैल्शियम, वसा आदि पोषक तत्व कम मात्रा में लेकिन खाने अवश्य चाहिएं जैसे- हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ, सलाद, सूखे मेवे, ताज़े फल, ताज़े फलों का रस आदि। कूड़ा-कर्कट (जंक फ़ूड), तंबाकू तथा नशीले पदार्थ मूर्ख दुश्मनों के लिए छोड़ देने चाहियें।
5. लेप/मालिश- शरीर की प्राकृतिक स्निग्धता बनाए रखने के लिए सिर व पूरे शरीर की मालिश ज़रूरी है। जैतून, अरंडी, बादाम, नारियल का तेल उत्तम होता है। इससे प्राकृतिक आभा बढती है।
6. नियंत्रण- दिल व दिमाग में चल रही उथल-पुथल चेहरे पर आ कर अपने  निशान सदा के लिए छोड़ जाती है। इसलिए कम से कम अपने गुस्से को तो चेहरे से दूर ही रखें क्योंकि एक हज़ार त्योरियों से एक झुर्री बन जाती है।
7. मुस्कराहट- मुस्कराहट एक ऐसा भाव है जो सामने वाले के दिल में आपकी नैसर्गिक सुन्दरता की ऐसी तस्वीर बनाता है जिसकी तरफ वह स्वयं खिंचा चला आता है। अन्दर से आप चाहें कितनी भी परेशान हों पर चेहरे पर हमेशा मुस्कराहट दिखाई देती रहे तो यकीन मानिए दुनिया में आपसे अधिक खूबसूरत कोई दूसरा नहीं।
      इसीलिए, सदा मुस्कुराते रहिये। हाँ!!! बिल्कुल इसी तरह!
उषा तनेजा    

Monday, November 5, 2012

Song 'Beautiful Girl'.

My son's debut activity- Writer, composer, singer of the song 'Beautiful Girl'.

The Wait is FinallY OveR....
Here is the download Link for my 1st Try, Self-Composed Love Song:

Hope yu LiKe it...:)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Expressions

  Get it go Geeta Bhukkal ji! -  Off-Campus study centres must be whipped.

After reading the following news piece 

Chandigarh, September 2

After dragging its feet on the mushrooming of “teaching shops” in the form of off-campus centres and study centres of the state universities for several years, the state government has finally cracked the whip on them by banning them.

In a development that would go a long way in checking the commercialisation of higher education, the recent monsoon session of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha has passed four Bills amending the State University Acts to ban the off-campus centres and study centres inside and outside the state. The Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006, had already been amended to ban the setting up of off-campus study centres by the private universities.

one can have a sigh of relief that at last the govt. has delved to realise and curb the reasons of poor educational quality in Haryana so far. Whether it be secondary or higher education, mushrooming and money-minting shops are a major threat to nation's intellectual reputation. Whereas, we are hoping for 'brain-cycle' back to India instead of brain-drain, it is imperative to corroborate such initiatives.

If we have a look at the number of these so called off-campus study centres, the search is shocking. There are five state universities in Haryana, one of which has hundreds of centres in a single city. For example- 

State: Bihar City: Patna Total Record :153 Found.
State: Haryana City: Hissar Total Record :129 Found
State: Gujarat City: Ahmedabad Total Record :75 Found.
State: Haryana City: Panipat Total Record :90 Found.

as found on
 Isn't it shocking?

REASONS: In spite of crores of rupees being spent on higher education sector, the state universities need trivial agents to trap the students for their students' count so that they would be able to boast their fame. They think this bolsters their popularity. More over, the govt. too, wishes these universities to add to their monetary gains which is indirectly govt.'s income.

CONSEQUENCES: Aftermath of these establishments is, that the quality of higher education in Haryana, at the verge of complete degradation. Mostly the students only from rural areas or with very weak knowledge background get admissions through these study centres and the owners guarantee them good score. There is no adequate provision to add to the aspiring students' knowledge, nor they themselves are willing to get knowledge. The teaching faculty hired by them is also not simpatico with the requisite experience of teaching.

REMEDIES: The greatest and long lasting remedy is the current one to ban these shops sternly and make arrangements for good quality education in the state. Please remember that actions for the sake of only announcements, become jokes not for entertainment but credibility of the bills.  

Usha Taneja

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

My Dad
My Granny usually said
Whenever any one
Closest to your heart
Leaves this physical world...

To read more, please visit-

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Explorer's Hymn- Please enlighten my path

Today, it is another good opportunity to say a humble prayer to The Almighty. Please join me at -

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Materialism - An End of Peace

Now it is time to update status on our personal website. Here is a speech 'Materialism- An End of Peace' delivered by Sash Taneja at Declamation contest organised by SBPDAV Public School, Ftb. He bagged Ist prize. To watch the video, Please visit-
To read the full text written by Usha Taneja, Please visit-

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It is my personal website.
To explore the unexplored world
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